Thursday, December 9, 2010

Clone captain Bluecoil

Clone captain Bluecoil

                                                                                                            Captain Bluecoil , his face had a scare and his amor is blue in colour.
Also known as cc1713,he  is  captain  of  Kysovlu  company  in  the 501st,  captain  of   general  Toth  Alfred ,  his  army  includes Hotshot and Whiplash , some of his army are commanded by sergeant Visor . Bluecoils armor is blue and has some jaws tattoos on it.
          He  was  on  a  mission  on  the  planet  Jabbiim ,  he  was  to  engage  General     Grievous without general Toth , He didnt fail him , and he cutted Grievouss hand and escaped.He appears in STAR WARS The Clone Wars movie, he was beside a trooper under commander Cody, and he was the one 
with blue markings, then he change his armor in season 1 , he even apears in the jet trooper in the movie with general Skywalker and captain Rex.
 He was involved in the battle of Endor with commander Huck and captain Rex.In order 66 , 
he disobey Palpatine and his troopers were killed by Toth , Bluecoil  says  he  didn't  betray him , 

Toth  let  him  go , of  to  the  planet  Jabiimm.

Bluecoil's adventures
   Bluecoil was invoved in the battle of Cristopsis , Teth , Dantooine , Endor , Jabbim , Fallen and Kamino.
   In Dantooine , he helped general Windu and destory almost all of the droids , but with a great cost of his men , then they need help , then they called general Fisto and Kit called admrial Yularen who called general Skywalker in Gerinosis , but it took a long time for it to delivery cause' of the worms that infeated the clones.
   In Endor , he fought beside commander Huck , Quilin Vos and Toth Alfred , the Ewoks helped but they failed to engage general Grievous , Toth's blaster and light saber was losted , so instead he builed a new one for other adventures.
   The other war stories are secrets , they may be out soon , stay tune!!

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